
David Martin has been involved in many facets of Mathematics Education in both working and voluntary capacities since completing a degree in mathematics.

He is both a Chartered Mathematician and a Chartered Mathematics Teacher. After a doctorate in mathematics (specialising in computer based mathematical models of molecules) he did post-doctoral research in theoretical chemistry. Following research, David trained to teach, teaching initially Computer Science at a Sixth Form College and then Mathematics Learning Support and as a Teacher Trainer in Mathematics at a College of General Further Education (FE), before becoming a Mathematics Education Consultant.

David enjoys voluntary work, including membership of the membership committee of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), and as the u3a National Subject Advisor for Mathematics and Statistics. He is a past chair of the National Association for Numeracy and Mathematics in Colleges, past Honorary Secretary of the Joint Mathematics Council of the UK and past Chair of the British Congress of Mathematics Education Committee.

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